
Pre and Post Care

Pre and Post Care

Pre Instructions

  • Please shave 24 hours prior to your appointment. We will not shave you. Please do not use creams, lotions, oils, or deodorant on the day of your treatment.
  • You must avoid bleaching, plucking, waxing, threading, or using a depilatory cream for 4-6 weeks prior to your LHR treatment. Please always shave 24 hours prior to every appointment throughout the duration of your course of treatments.
  • Your provider may ask you to stop certain topical skincare products 3-14 days prior to treatment. If you have a history of peri-oral or genital herpes virus, your provider may recommend that you speak with your doctor about prophylactic anti-viral therapy.
  • Recently tanned skin CANNOT be treated. If treated within 2 weeks of active (natural or tanning bed) tanning you may develop hypopigmentation (white spots – loss of color) after treatment that may be permanent. Do not book a treatment if you plan on heavy sun exposure or tanning within 3 weeks of your LHR treatment to prevent hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) or hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin.) Always wear sunscreen – especially on treated areas.
  • The use of self-tanning products must be discontinued one week before treatment. Any residual self-tanner must be removed prior to treatment.
  • Please read over our full list of contraindications and be very specific and forthright about your history to try to prevent any adverse reaction to your LHR treatments.
  • Seven days prior, no NSAIDs, Aspirin, Fish oil, or other blood thinners. You will need medical clearance from your PCP if you take prescription blood thinners.
  • Arnica tablets should be taken seven days before the surgery to reduce bruising and swelling.
  • Avoid alcohol three days before the procedure to reduce swelling and bruising.
**Eat a filling meal before your appointment.**
  • Following your SkinPen treatment, the treated area may appear pink and mildly inflamed (similar to a mild sunburn).
  • After the procedure, your provider may advise you to keep your skin free of cosmetics or sunscreen for the remainder of the day.
  • Consult your provider if you are prone to herpes simplex outbreaks, such as cold sores, about ways to prevent or whether the procedure is right for you.
  • If your treatment area has irritated skin (sores, open wounds, sunburn), please contact our office the day before your appointment.
  • Please note that we cannot perform this procedure with active breakouts. Consult your provider before your SkinPen procedure if you have any concerns.
  • SkinPen procedures should be delayed at least six months following isotretinoin use, since isotretinoin may interfere with wound healing.
  • Talk to your provider if you have recently used self-tanning lotion or spray before your SkinPen procedure.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Before the SkinPen procedure, you should stop using topical products that contain AHAs, retinol, or vitamin A.
  • Ask your specialist if the procedure is right for you if you are on autoimmune therapy.
  • The most common complications following dermal fillers include: swelling, bruising, tenderness at the injection site, these typically lessen or disappear within a day or two. Some bruising may last up to 10-14 days. Please plan on the possibility of having a bruise and make sure you do not have any major events for 2 weeks after your injections. If this may be a conflict with your upcoming schedule, please notify our office so we can adjust your scheduled appointment accordingly.
  • Avoid taking Aspirin, Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen, Vitamin E, fish oil, Ginger, Ginkgo Bilboa, Ginseng, and Garlic 10-14 days prior to the procedure. These drugs and herbs may cause excessive bleeding or bruising.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 3 days before your appointment. Alcoholic beverages can increase the chance of bruising and excessive bleeding.
  • If you have a history of cold sores, an active herpes outbreak, or any dental procedures scheduled in the next month please notify us so we can discuss your options.
  • To further decrease the risk of bruising you may start Arnica supplements. The suggested dosing is to take one pill twice daily starting one day prior to your procedure and continue for 3- 5 days following the procedure depending on the amount of bruising post procedure.
  • At least 7 days prior to treatment to prevent bruising avoid blood thinning over the counter medications such as Aspiring, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and Aleve. Also avoid herbal supplements, such as Garlic, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, St John’s Wort, and Omega-3 capsules
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before (or after) your treatment to avoid extra bruising
  • Injectable treatments often require repeat treatments. Each time you are treated your initial outcomes may vary. For this reason, you don’t want to plan any injectable treatments within a few days to a week prior to a major social occasion

Post Instructions

  • Immediately after treatment there may be redness and swelling of each hair follicle, which may last up to 3 days. the treated area may feel like a sunburn. Ice packs may help to calm the area. Additionally, a topical soothing skincare product such as aloe vera gel may be applied following treatment if desired.
  • Makeup may be used immediately after the treatment as long as the skin is not irritated. Deodorant may be applied after 30 minutes.
  • You MUST avoid sun exposure (or tanning beds) to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation (permanent darkening or lightening of the skin.) Use a sunscreen (SPF 30+) at all times throughout the course of treatment.
  • Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. do not use any other hair removal products or methods like waxing, electrolysis, tweezing, threading, or depilatory creams, as they will disturb the hair follicle. You may shave or cut with a scissor if you need to remove any hair in between treatments.
  • Anywhere from 5-21 days after treatment, shedding of the treated hair may occur. You can clean and remove the hair by washing or wiping the area with a wet cloth or loofah. Shaving during this phase is fine. LHR appointments cannot be made sooner than 4 weeks after the previous appointment, regardless of hair growth.
  • There are no restrictions on bathing, just treat the skin gently (use cooler water) as if you had a sunburn, for the first 48 hours after your treatment.
  • Book an appointment at the first sign of the return of hair growth (but not less than 4 weeks after your previous appointment.) This may occur after 4-6 weeks, or after as long as 2-3 months. Hair regrowth occurs at different rates for different areas of the body, and for different people.
  • Any questions always call 832-843-6300.
  • Do not pick or manipulate the suture at the procedure site. As a result, you may suffer from more bruising, infection, perforation of the suture through the surface of the skin.
  • For at least a month, avoid direct heat such as laser treatments such as IPL and laser hair removal.
  • After your procedure, don’t take a shower or bath for a week.
  • Stay away from excessive exercise/sport for one week after your procedure.
  • For blood clot types of bruises (hematomas), you can gently apply cold compresses to the area.
  • Bruising and swelling may be treated with Arnica or Vitamin K for 57 days after the procedure.
After treatment with suspensory threads, results will be immediately visible, and the area feels tighter. In the beginning, the tight feeling will gradually relax.
  • There is almost always some soreness following the treatment. Typically, a dull pain goes away after a week or two. There may also be some discomfort when chewing or moving the face. The pain after PDO threads can also be described as “twinges,” “zingers,” or “quick shocks.” This is a completely normal sensation caused by the threads stimulating the nerve ending.
  • The pain will gradually subside after several weeks.
  • Patients usually resume normal activities the next day.
  • Asymmetry or puckering of the skin can occur and usually disappears with time. Let us know if it persists after a week.
  • Tylenol may be taken for pain during the first few days, especially at bedtime.
When to call:
  • If the thread site is red, feverish, or if there is drainage.
  • If one of the threads poke through the skin.
Facial PDO procedures:
  • Keep your head elevated up on several pillows for the first three nights following the procedure.
  • During the first week following the PDO procedure, avoid any direct pressure on the face and areas where the PDO sutures were placed (for example, sleeping face down, excessive chewing, talking, yawning, smiling, and other facial movements in the week after the procedure).
If you wash your hair and face with very gentle upwards and outwards movements, your skin will be lifted in the same direction as the sutures. The appearance of banding is normal and nothing to be concerned about. Simply applying warm water compresses will help to resolve any banding issues.
The day of the procedure:
  • Post-procedure, products not proven safe for use with microneedling may cause complications.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or excessive perspiration for 72 hours as excessive blood flow and sweat can irritate compromised skin.
  • You can apply Skinfuse Lift HG an additional day of the procedure to help hydrate your skin. You may reapply up to 24 hours after your procedure.
  • You should avoid sun exposure as you will not be wearing sunscreen. After the procedure, you can resume wearing sunscreen. Limit sun exposure for 72 hours after the procedure.
The days following the procedure:
  • Your Skinfuse Post-procedure protocol will provide specific skincare instructions.
  • Do not begin Surge Collagen Boost until at least 7 days after the procedure.

Please review the following information carefully to achieve optimum results and the most comfortable recovery after treatment.

Please allow 10-14 days for your treatment to take FULL effect. The treatment has not completely taken effect before this time frame. After 10-14 days, we can schedule you for a follow up with your injector.

  • Avoid manipulation of the treated area for 3-4 hours following treatment. Do not massage any of the areas of your face that were treated with the Dysport/Botox. This could spread the Dysport/Botox into an area of the muscle where we do not want it to migrate. However, facial exercise in the area of the treatment is recommended (frown/smile). It will encourage the product to move throughout the muscle in a uniform manner.
  • Do not exercise strenuously after your Dysport/Botox treatment for 24 hours.
  • It is not uncommon to get a small reddened area or even a bruise at the site of injection. If this should persist or be of significant concern, please call the clinic to schedule a follow up visit.
  • Keep your head elevated after your Dysport/Botox treatment. Please remain upright for 3-4 hours following treatment.
  • The Dysport/Botox will take effect several days after your treatment. This time varies from patient to patient and even from treatment to treatment. The average amount of time for the injected product to become evident in its in its effectiveness is 3-5 days. However, complete results will continue to become apparent for the first 2 weeks after your treatment.
  • A follow up appointment may be schedule in 2 weeks after the initial treatment to allow the Dysport/Botox sufficient time to become completely effective. If an area requires a touch-up treatment, additional Dysport/Botox may be purchased and administered at the per unit price.
  • Please allow 10-14 days for your treatment to take FULL effect. The treatment has not completely taken effect before this time frame. After 10-14 days, we can reschedule you for a follow up with your injector.
  • You have undergone a dermal filler treatment where hyaluronic acid has been placed in the skin. You may initially be swollen, red and bruised which will subside within the next 1 – 10 days, especially if the bruising is extensive.
  • It is advisable that you do not touch the area for 6 hours.
  • Do not apply make up for approximately 6 hours unless it is mineral based.
  • Avoid exposure to UV, extreme heat i.e. sauna, steam rooms, sun beds etc. as this may increase discomfort and swelling.
  • Also avoid extreme cold; this includes ice packs that are directly applied to the skin. If necessary you can apply a cool compress to the area to reduce any discomfort or swelling.
  • Arnica tablets/gel can be used to help reduce bruising or the application of vitamin K oxide cream.
  • If you have had topical numbing do not consume any hot or cold drinks until your sensation has returned to normal. You must also be careful when eating so that you do not risk biting your lip.
  • If you experience any lumpiness in the implantation area it can be gently massaged to help smooth this out.
  • You should also avoid any facial massages or skin resurfacing until the area has healed fully.
  • Keep moisturized with AQUAPHOR! It will be your best friend!!

After treatment it is common to feel irritation as well as redness. Some crusting may form on the areas treated. If the area is still irritated by then end of the day, a clean baggie of frozen peas works well. The peas defrost quickly so usually no chance of skin damage.

It is important to remember:

  • Wash with gentle cleanser and fingertips
  • Pat dry
  • Use moisturizing SPF 30 + every day
  • Do not get areas wet; i.e. wash face at vanity, shower with back to water if face was treated, keep hands out of water if hands were treated. (Crusts will become soggy and slough too quickly, *Crusts are natures bandaids!)
  • Crusts will slough in 5-7-10-14 days depending on individuals (hands on the longer side)
  • Do no use any harsh or anti-aging products while crusted
  • Absolutely no picking or scratching!
  • No procedures in the areas of treatment for 30 days
  • After crusts have sloughed and skin is smooth, you may resume your skin regime as suggested by your Esthetician/Dermatologist/PCP.
  • Areas my continue to be pink until completely healed
  • Continue to wear SPF of 30 or more…forever!
  • When your teeth whitening session is complete, you will need to restrict your diet to clear liquids for at least 2 hours. After that time has passed, you can eat any kind of foods that do not have a color, such as chicken, pasta and potatoes. Be careful with fruits, including berries. An easy way to decide if you can have a particular food is to consider if it would stain a white shirt. If it would, then you should avoid it.
  • Avoid Sodas, coffee, tea, drinks with color that may stain your teeth. It is recommended to use a straw if you are going to drink these products. Brush your teeth immediately after
  • For the first 2 days after your treatment, brush your teeth gently with white toothpaste that does not contain whitening ingredients or baking soda.
  • After 48 hours, you can resume your normal diet but keep in mind that new staining can occur if you consume red wine, coffee, and other dark colored foods and beverages. 

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Aesthetic Medical Spa in Spring, Texas | Savvy Chic Medspa

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